Local Sake Event in Suzaka! 遠藤酒造の蔵開き!

The local Sake event will be held very soon!
This is a one of the happiest party of the year!!

Local Sake Event in Suzaka! 遠藤酒造の蔵開き!

We have a Japanese sake brewery called Endo Shuzo here in Suzaka.
They will have a big Japanese Sake Event in Suzaka.

You can enjoy many kinds of Sake, and many of them are only 100 JPY for one cup!!
They also have a tour of Sake brewery for free!!
Try many local foods there, too!!

Local Sake Event in Suzaka! 遠藤酒造の蔵開き!

This event is the best chance to enjoy Sake!!
Don't miss it!!!!

Date: 24th, 25th, Apr.
Time: 9:30~16:00
Place: Endo Shuzo 遠藤酒造場
Access: Free Shuttle Bus from Suzaka station

About Endo Shuzojo(遠藤酒造場)

For more info, mail us!

Guest House KURA(ゲストハウス蔵)
cheap and budget hostel in Suzaka, Nagano

同じカテゴリー(Events イベント )の記事画像
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セブ島&Gacha Curry Night!
Local Sake Event with Sakura in Suzaka! 遠藤酒造 春の蔵開き!
Dondo yaki 2019 どんど焼き2019
X'mas Japanese Tea Ceremony [X'mas 茶会] 2018
同じカテゴリー(Events イベント )の記事
 しまなみへ行かNight!! (2021-12-01 22:58)
 星宙 Night. (2021-11-15 16:54)
 セブ島&Gacha Curry Night! (2019-12-13 00:10)
 Local Sake Event with Sakura in Suzaka! 遠藤酒造 春の蔵開き! (2019-03-13 10:13)
 Dondo yaki 2019 どんど焼き2019 (2019-01-08 23:50)
 X'mas Japanese Tea Ceremony [X'mas 茶会] 2018 (2018-12-05 00:55)
