MUSIC LIVE@KURA 長谷川綾&モモナシ ライブのご案内
長谷川綾 & モモナシ
We will have a music live on 27th Nov. at Guest House KURA!
We're excited to welcome the local musician "AYA HASEGAWA"!
You'll love their sound, and "MOMONASHI" will join together!
Enjoy their Japanese style performance!
It will be the most entertaining night EVER!
Date:27th Nov.
Place:Guest House KURA
Fee:2,500 JPY (2,000 JPY in Advance)
長谷川綾 & モモナシ
We will have a music live on 27th Nov. at Guest House KURA!
We're excited to welcome the local musician "AYA HASEGAWA"!
You'll love their sound, and "MOMONASHI" will join together!
Enjoy their Japanese style performance!
It will be the most entertaining night EVER!
Date:27th Nov.
Place:Guest House KURA
Fee:2,500 JPY (2,000 JPY in Advance)
アルバイトスタッフ募集 ゲストハウス蔵
Kimono Airing at Classic Museum in Suzaka! 春の虫干し大会
Hina dolls Festival in Suzaka! 須坂の三十段飾り 千体のひな祭り
Working Holiday Plan in Suzaka, Nagano
アルバイトスタッフ募集 ゲストハウス蔵
Kimono Airing at Classic Museum in Suzaka! 春の虫干し大会
Hina dolls Festival in Suzaka! 須坂の三十段飾り 千体のひな祭り
Working Holiday Plan in Suzaka, Nagano