Sakura in Suzaka, Nagano No.1

Sakura in Suzaka, Nagano will be in full bloom next week!(around 12th Apr.2013)
In Suzaka, there are many beautiful spots where you can enjoy Sakura!!
We will introduce some of them.

Garyuu Park’s Night Sakura

Sakura in Suzaka, Nagano No.1

Garyuu Park in Suzaka City, Nagano, was built in 1932 under the
supervision of Dr. Honda Seiroku’s Suzaka City’s Park Design Plan.

In the center of the park “someiyoshino” and various other types of
cherry trees surround the lake, and when spring comes they all
blossom together.

When night falls, the blossoms are lit up, and they can be enjoyed
as well with the lighting that makes seem to become even more
mystical and artistic.

Guest House KURA(ゲストハウス蔵)
cheap and budget hostel in Suzaka, Nagano

【Useful info about renting a car in Nagano!】
Local Sake Event with Sakura in Suzaka! 遠藤酒造 春の蔵開き!
Dondo yaki 2019 どんど焼き2019
X'mas Japanese Tea Ceremony [X'mas 茶会] 2018
BBQ and Bonfire Event in Suzaka! 須坂クランピング (SKB) 開催のお知らせ
Hina dolls Festival in Suzaka! 須坂の三十段飾り 千体のひな祭り
 【Useful info about renting a car in Nagano!】 (2020-01-26 17:53)
 Local Sake Event with Sakura in Suzaka! 遠藤酒造 春の蔵開き! (2019-03-13 10:13)
 Dondo yaki 2019 どんど焼き2019 (2019-01-08 23:50)
 X'mas Japanese Tea Ceremony [X'mas 茶会] 2018 (2018-12-05 00:55)
 BBQ and Bonfire Event in Suzaka! 須坂クランピング (SKB) 開催のお知らせ (2018-10-14 10:36)
 Hina dolls Festival in Suzaka! 須坂の三十段飾り 千体のひな祭り (2018-02-16 18:23)

2013年04月07日 Posted byGuest House KURA at 00:54 │Comments(0)SUZAKA
