Local Sake Event in Suzaka! 遠藤酒造の蔵開き!

Guest House KURA

2016年09月16日 18:50

The local Sake event will be held very soon!
This is a one of the happiest party of the year!!

We have a Japanese sake brewery called Endo Shuzo here in Suzaka.
They will have a big Japanese Sake Event in Suzaka.

You can enjoy many kinds of Sake, and many of them are only 100 JPY for one cup!!
They also have a tour of Sake brewery for free!!
Try many local foods there, too!!

This event is the best chance to enjoy Sake!!
Don't miss it!!!!

Date: 24th, 25th, Apr.
Time: 9:30~16:00
Place: Endo Shuzo 遠藤酒造場
Access: Free Shuttle Bus from Suzaka station

About Endo Shuzojo(遠藤酒造場)

For more info, mail us!

Guest House KURA(ゲストハウス蔵)
cheap and budget hostel in Suzaka, Nagano
